What is MIBOS Christian Ethics and Missionary Program?

MIBOS Missionary Program is also known as "Mibos Christian Ethics and Missionary Program"  is a Christian program organized under the International Good Samaritan Mission/ Mission for Improvement and Boosting Services to the community (MIBOS). This program is one of many programs run by MIBOS to boost the community both physically and spiritually in Tanzania and surroundings. MIBOS is a not for profit Christian organization registered in Tanzania by the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2001 under the License of registration No: 10649 of the society ordinance. The MIBOS Christian Ethics & Missionary program is a non-denominational Christian program specializing in mission, missionary programs, church planting, open air crusades, church leaders and pastors training, connection of missionaries from North America and Europe to indigenous churches in Central and East Africa. This program was settled in Kigoma-Ujiji District in Kigoma province where it ministered and helped local community by providing social services, helping in eliminating poverty and also planting new churches. Also, Pastor John gave leadership to the gathering of believers in the refugee camp and ministered to refugees. Because the refugee camp gathered Anglicans, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal believers and other independents believers, there was a discomfort with aligning with only one of the groups and so, it was agreed to organize an ecumenical Christian program that will stand in the middle and gather all these brethren together. Then, the name of MIBOSMissionary Program was adopted.

Goals and Objectives of the organization

The main objectives of the MIBOS Christian Ethics and Missionary Program are:

  • Provide Christian training and new strategies on church planting, evangelism, church leaders and pastors’ trainings and assisting indigenous and mission’s organizations by providing them a plat-form for fellowship and the exchange of ideas and strategies for Christian skills development for income generation liability to help in eliminating poverty in churches.

  • Being fully involved in theological education program improving both pastoral training and bible correspondence and connect indigenous pastors to Bible and theological institutions in North America, Europe and Australia.

  • Empower Christian women and the youths through training and supporting their projects that they may reach others through the word of God;

  • To establish churches until they become self-supporting and provide fellowship of likeminded pastors and church leaders and the initiation of community based integrated missions that can help in supporting churches and host community,

  • Promotion of education and professional training with particular focus on Christian education of orphans and street children for building them upwardly spiritually and developing Christian youth for the future leadership in their churches and community.

  • MIBOS introduces a program that offers a wide variety of spiritual services ranging from house to house Christian counseling, bible studies and Christian youth’s programs, children and Sunday school programs, church planting and pastoral biblical colleges in refugee camps.

How many areas MIBOS Christian and Missionary Program is focusing on?

MIBOS Missionary Program has five main areas of focus and intervention:

1. Equipping the Body of Christ: encourage church planters, pastors and church leaders by making Christian activities and services available to them.

2. Be a fellowship that encourages Christ’s mission: MIBOS encourages and connects men and women who want to serve the Lord in Central and East Africa as missionaries and ministers. The ministry encourages those servants to be passionately committed to the cross-cultural as fellow Christians with a heart of missions.

3. Be a fellowship that puts its foundation on the word of God: MIBOS persuades its members and associates to only focus on the word of God and preach the word of God to the lost world as it’s written in 1 Corinthians 9: 16” Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!’’. We encourage the teaching through the whole word of God, and this from Genesis to Revelation.

4. MIBOS/CE&MP is deeply engaged in discipleship program: Discipleship and church planting is the backbone of this program. We strategically accomplish our Christian duties through actions by encouraging people to follow Christ, to answer positively to the calling for the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, live and depend on prayer and fasting and take in account the whole counsel of God.

5. MIBOS Christian Ethics and Missionary Program stands as a Christian neutral fishing net: MIBOS Missionary Program was conceived to serve as a church planting and discipleship body running as fishing net of men, women and youths in Central and East Africa and especially in Tanzania and surroundings. 

When and how MIBOS Missionary Program started?

This ministry started when God empowered and passionately equipped local church leaders with a vision of initiating a Christian mission that will help in advancing local churches to strategically plant churches, train local missionaries, to minister, to encourage and to help church members to focus on extending Christianity and the word of God for the great revival of the gospel in Tanzania and the surrounding countries.

Since the time of its creation, MIBOS Missionary program has been fully engaged into different programs including but not limited to church planting, evangelization, training and sending out indigenous missionaries, Church leaders capacity building, congregational multiplication, and leadership development to enhance managerial and leadership skills. These activities are tremendously motivating the community in Tanzania and have encouraged non-Christian people to come to Christ and join the church.

MIBOS Christian Ethics and Missionary program, as a non-denominational and an ecumenical organization dedicated to fulfilling the command of our Lord Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel among the unsaved, and strengthen the church at large through the proclamation of the truths and revelations of the Word of God. It has dedicated itself to revitalizing and renewing the commitment to God’s word for all children of God who desire a deeper knowledge of the Lord and the clear understanding of God’s plan and purpose to the humanity. It is with this kind of burden on the hearts of its founders that they established this ministry as a focal point, to provide resources for those who have a heart to diligently seek the full guidance of God.

Briefly, MIBOS at whole is committed to making disciples of all ages for the Lord Jesus Christ through “evangelism, church planting, discipleship, leadership training, social services and projects. The motivation being that The MIBOSMissionary Program was initiated to be a Christian church planting Movement of Christian churches and its Para-church agencies committed to disciplining the African nations strategically for Christ through collaborative action. The churches under MIBOS Missionary Program is just a group of Christian independent churches planted by MIBOS ministry and that have come together based on their like-mindedness on doctrine and philosophy of ministry. MIBOS Missionary Program is a not for profit Christian organization aiming to lift up the name of Jesus Christ in Africa Region. It’s a Christian Organization of Men, Women and Youths working humbly in Christ to make a difference in the Kingdom of God, lifting up the pure truth of the word of God and directing its efforts on preaching the word of justice and peace as it was sermonized by our Lord Jesus Christ who has broken partition, enmity, poverty, redeemed his people from oppression and so became our peace.

Where does MIBOS Missionary Program have its work?

This program has missionaries and countless volunteers who present the message of salvation in Central and East Africa and especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Tanzania, in Uganda, in Burundi, in Kenya and in Rwanda. Our missionaries are serving with different Christian denominations and mostly we focus on discipleship, on church planting and on training Christian leaders. We also put our focus on training indigenous missionaries to take a lead of the Christian missions in their respective countries. We believe that if supported, the cost of an indigenous missionary may be less expensive than the cost of a missionary coming abroad. Also cultural experience plays a great role and influence for missionaries to succeed into their plans and ministries they called to fulfil. Abroad missionaries are mostly welcome to teach and train local missionaries on how to run the mission and also they can serve with MIBOS in the field of their choice. Briefly those who fell that they are called into missions’ work, they can contact us through the numbers and e-mail provided at our contact page.

How does MIBOS Missionary Program organized?

As we said above, MIBOS Missionary Program is a non-denominational program dedicated to fulfilling the command of our Lord Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel among the unsaved. It also strengthens the church at large through the proclamation of the truths and revelations of the Word of God. Churches planted by MIBOS are connected to existing denominations in the country and where we don’t have existing denominations that fit with the way of believing of our churches, we connect them with denominations inside or outside that are in agreement with their faiths and that uphold their beliefs. This program has been born as a result of much prayer before the Lord, and through many years of commitment by the ministry’s founders, to consistently seek and teach the whole counsel of God by putting their centre of attention on love, unity, forgiveness and teaching the world of God without compromise.

How Does MIBOS Missionary program relate to other Christian groups?

MIBOS Missionary Program being a Christian ministry is not an agency built on credo and dogma nor its aim is not to build an organized religion. But, as a result, it works in partnership with many Christian denominations to lift up the name of Jesus Christ and to multiply local churches. Through the field of community services, it provides its services to the community without prejudice based on religion, race, or gender. After 10 years of operation, in 2009 the need emerged for connecting the planted churches to different established congregations inside and outside of the country regardless their positions of faith and this for boosting the body of Christ (the church) in Tanzania. MIBOS continued to connect and link its planted churches to established congregations.

How does MIBOS call the local churches it has planted?

As our original plan is to bring the body of Christ together to fulfil the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ by linking our local churches to different faiths, and consider that this ministry is not built on the dogma and doctrine; we don’t make any preference of churches we want to connect our planted local churches to. MIBOS in wide-ranging is a ministry that is characterized by Christian unity, diversity of the body of Christ, by consistency and that will be free of human rigid principle and a ministry that will mature and care for these young churches basing its principle to the teaching of the word of God from Genesis to Apocalypse. MIBOS Missionary Program continues to connect its planted churches to different conventional congregations without any discrimination, including Pentecostal, Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Mennonite, Disciples of Christ, Reformed Churches and non denominational churches.

Does MIBOS Missionary Program departed from its original dream?

The original aim of MIBOS Missionary Program for collaborating and connecting our churches to existing congregations did not change. It is still being exercised and functional but it’s done in a different and civilized way. This time, we connect our churches to other congregations through three different ways:

  1. If the leaders of the new planted churches make it clear that they want to be connected to a different religious’ group. Mostly, when they are clear of the kind of faith they want, we contact those faiths on their behalf and if there is an agreement, we connect them with these faiths.

  2. We also plant churches on behalf on any Christian congregation that requests MIBOS Missionary Program to do so.

  3. We also organize joint open air crusades and evangelization campaigns with other congregations in the region, and churches planted are recommended to be under the administration control of churches that partner with MIBOSMissionary program.

What is the main mission of MIBOS Missionary program?

MIBOS Missionary Program’s mission is to be part of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ by sharing the Good News of God and reaching to the unreached, to the Church and training Christian leaders and pastors in developing nations, with a strong emphasis on evangelizing through actions. It envisions planting 1000 local Christian Church in Tanzania and surroundings. MIBOS Missionary program will accomplish its vision by serving the Lord in partnership with the local partners and missionaries to be a witness of Jesus Christ to the nations, through equipping leaders with the word of God and reaching out to the lost through actions. Briefly, this ministry is showing the love of God by loving and serving neighbours without discrimination and making disciples.

What is the main vision of MIBOS Missionary Program?

The main mission of MIBOS Missionary Program is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ being spread to all nations.

The vision of MIBOS Missionary Program is as follow:

  • for connecting and equipping with the straightforwardness, richness and supremacy of the Gospel;

  • Educate and impart to every disciple of Christ to hear the Shepherd’s voice and to know the will of God for salvation of all human kind,

  • To see the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) activities influencing the community in Tanzania and surroundings; and bring a contemporary Christian worldview of the word of God into daily human life and ministry.

  • Networking and encouraging partner churches and Christian leaders for greater effectiveness partnership with our social and development services.

How many local churches MIBOS Missionary Program has planted in East and Central Africa?

MIBOS Missionary Program is committed to make disciples and planting local churches in East and Central Africa. Under the leadership of Pastor John Francis Zembwe the program has succeeded to plant churches in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Burundi, in Tanzania, in Uganda and in Kenya.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo was ravaged by a civil war since 1996 up to now. The Eastern and the Central parts of the country are the most ravaged ones by civil wars. Those regions have uncontrolled militias that harm lives of normal people.

There are many non-governmental organizations, international organizations, and other non-profits working to help solve the conflicts within this war-torn country.  Although there are many organizations serving the people of the DRC in the area physical needs, peace and security. Those organizations are trying to help Congolese to make a difference. Instead of dealing with physical needs, MIBOS Missionary Program has discovered that the problem of the instability in the Congo is purely spiritual. People lost love to each other, people don’t fear God and consequently they kill each other, they pillage wealth and they systematically rape women. The rights of women and children are not respected as well. For this MIBOSChristian Ethics and Missionary Program is committed to solve the spiritual problems by bringing people on the table of reconciliation through the word of God. We preach them how to love and to care to each other. For this main reason, we witnessed 45 churches being planted in the Democratic Republic of Congo under our program. The churches planted decided to be grouped in a Christian body called “Community of Elim Evangelical Pentecostal Churches of Africa “CEPEAOpen Door”. The CEPEA Open Door is a movement of local churches planting other local churches in Central and East Africa. The Christian Community Church was assigned to deal with the care and the maturity of emerging church planted by MIBOS and it was decided that the Headquarters of the Church will be in The Democratic Republic of Congo. Also, it was assigned to gather and train church leaders. After awhile, Churches were planted and spread in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, in Burundi, in Kenya, in Rwanda, in Zambia and in Malawi and Uganda. We initiated a Bible College in Lugufu Refugee Camp to train church leaders and this training institution opened its branch in Baraka in the Eastern of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Does MIBOS Missionary Program in Tanzania and surroundings are in close partnership with other Christian Churches?

Currently we can say that spiritually as a body of Christ with the same mission and vision, MIBOS and its mission agency (MIBOS Missionary Program) are all connected together by the Holy Spirit of God who empowers all of us to do the work of proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God as it was announced by our Master Jesus Christ. MIBOS Missionary program was empowered and strengthened by the position of supporting unity and collaboration among Christians to build up the body of Christ (the church) worldwide. However, physically speaking, the MIBOS in Tanzania and surroundings and its mission agency (MIBOS Missionary program) being young organizations in Tanzania, they are not yet physically and organizationally connected to any church abroad but our projects and services work in partnership with different organizations. Churches planted by MIBOS Missionary Program are now planning the process of contacting the partner churches for close partnership.

What is MIBOS Missionary Program in Tanzania and surroundings are in close partnership with other Christian Churches?

MIBOS Missionary Program is a growing new independent church movement that plan to cooperate with other established Christian bodies. Our program started as a small church planting mission in Tanzania and then it grows up and become an association of 35 local churches established in 7 African countries with almost 5000 fellow members, especially in the DRC, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Our main objective is to plant 1000 local vibrant churches in a period of 20 years from 2010 to 2030. Our principle is to plant churches that will plant other churches and especially in both Muslim and nom-Muslim countries of Africa. The church planting and evangelism activities are very energetic and we really saw the hand of God into this ministry as we wisely moved with the Good Samaritan techniques of preaching the word of God by actions (health intervention, participation into food and feeding mission and project, advocating for environment protection, Community services and women rights, peace and justice.)

The MIBOS Missionary Program is an independent Christian church that gathers believers from different background. This organization works as a department of MIBOS dealing with spiritual matters and church planting. Later after, when churches planted matured up, we decided to separate the task of both organizations and establish a joint and collaborative interdependence relationship, support and cooperation. Then MIBOS Missionary Program was assigned to serve as a church planting movement and an umbrella of independent and emerging Christian organizations, to initiate projects and community services if wherever they are needed and the general meeting decided that its headquarters will be in Tanzania.


We are ready and MIBOS opens its door for partnerships with Christian organizations, churches and community and aid NGOs. We welcome your group to serve with MIBOS.  Just let us know your preferable country and region, your field of training and your passion.