Water and Sanitation
With the help of various partners, we provide access to water in rural underprivileged communities where access to clean and safe water is either missing or severely compromised.
By digging and building water wells, those communities lacking access to clean and safe water can see a significant improvement in their living conditions.
Among other projects, MIBOS built 2 water wells in the Gungu area (Kigoma) in 2011-2012 in partnership with Engineers without Borders:
We also promote conservation of water sources (rivers, lake shores or swamps) by organizing information sessions in selected areas.
Health Care
MIBOS offers counselling services and awareness programs on HIV-AIDS, Malaria, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. We encourage networking and community participation in this out reach activity.
In Mainland Tanzania, HIV prevalence among women and men age 15-49 has decreased from 7.0% to 5.3% in the past 10 years. But HIV is still the leading cause of death among young people with a higher prevalence among women (6.2%) than men (3.8%).
By now the majority of Tanzanians have come to know that the risk of getting HIV can be greatly reduced by using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected, partner. About (71% of women age 15-49 and 70% of men age 15-49), have this knowledge though it varies by region, decreasing to only 50% of women in the Mwanza area**.
Malaria is a major public health issue in Tanzania, killing thousands of people every year, especially young children. Annual malaria deaths in Tanzania are estimated to be 60,000, with 80% of these deaths among children under five years of age.
In Tanzania, 9% of children age 6-59 months tested positive for malaria. Malaria prevalence increases with age. Malaria prevalence is higher in rural areas (10%) than in urban areas (3%).
By region, Malaria prevalence varies greatly, with 26% for Kigoma and 19% for Mwanza areas.
Anemia is a common symptom of malaria in children. In Tanzania, 6% of children age 6-59 months have moderate to severe anaemia. Moderate to severe anemia generally declines with age. ***